NLU Jodhpur is a global beacon of excellence, where knowledge, diversity, and progress converge to shape a brighter future. Our unwavering commitment to fostering an inclusive culture that champions diversity and equality is the cornerstone of this institution. Guided by innovation, advanced pedagogy, flexible curriculum, and a multidisciplinary approach to education, we empower our students to... Read more
NLUJ Law Review is the flagship journal of National Law University, Jodhpur, established with the objective of promoting academic research and fostering debate on contemporary legal issues. The Review is a bi-annual, double-blind student reviewed and edited journal, focusing on an inter-disciplinary approach towards legal writing. The remit of the Review is not restricted to any particular field of law but is broad enough to include national as well as international legal and policy-related. Building on the success and esteem of NLUJ Law Review Journal, the Editorial Board of 2020-21 has established NLUJ Law Review Blog. The Blog draws inspiration from the Review in keeping its scope wide open to accommodate all fields of law, national as well as international. With an aim to provide the readers with legal opinions and analysis on a weekly basis, the Blog acts as a complementary source to our bi-annual journal. It offers our readers an avenue to stay updated on the legal developments around the world. The Blog also provides students as well as professionals an opportunity to exchange ideas and share their knowledge with our readership.Click Here to visit official website
View JournalTrade, Law and Development (TL&D) is a biannual, student-run, academic journal published by National Law University, Jodhpur, India (NLU, Jodhpur). The objective of the Journal is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and constructive debate on legal and policy issues surrounding world trade, cross-border investment, and development, among other inter-related aspects of international law. The main focus areas of the Journal are international trade law and international economic law. For more information, please proceed to the About the Journal page.
View JournalThe Indian Journal of Arbitration Law is a biannual, open-access, student-reviewed journal published by the Centre for Advanced Research and Training in Arbitration Law. IJAL is widely recognized as the leading Indian dispute resolution journal and an excellent source of reference in the field. IJAL is indexed on numerous online legal databases including KluwerArbitration, Westlaw and HeinOnline.The journal serves as a platform for understanding existing trends as well as setting out new ideas. Each issue of IJAL covers topical developments as well as topics of permanent interest in the field of arbitration. IJAL endeavours to cover a wide range of subjects in the field of arbitration and, despite the nomenclature of being the ‘Indian’ Journal of Arbitration Law, has maintained a focus on transnational debates in international commercial arbitration and investment treaty arbitration. The journal seeks to maintain a balance between practical and academic contributions and invites manuscripts from practitioners, academicians as well as law students. Each manuscript undergoes a rigorous blind review process. More information is available at IJAL .
View JournalCenter for Corporate Governance is a research hub under the rubrics of National Law University, Jodhpur, dedicated to research and development of governance standards for the corporate world. In order to promote holistic research on areas covered within the wide ambit of corporate law, the Centre came out with an annual publication in 2008, known as Journal on Governance. Click Here for detail of the Journal.
View JournalThe Centre for Comparative Constitutional Law and Administrative Law (CCAL) is established under the patronage of the Vice Chancellor of National Law University Jodhpur. The Centre publishes its flagship Journal and Blog under the guidance of Hon'ble Vice Chancellor and members of the Advisory Board such as Former CJI M.N. Venkatachaliah, Senior Advocate Rajeev Dhawan and Professor Timothy Endicott amongst others. We attempt to create a niche in the field of comparative constitutional law and administrative law discourse by discussing existing precedents and the constant changes that are taking place in the field. Our endeavour is to promote a wide-scale engagement not only limited to students pursuing law, but also academicians and other legal luminaries alike. Click Here to Visit Official Website .
View JournalThe Journal of Intellectual Property Studies ('JIPS') is an online law journal focused on intellectual property law published by National Law University, Jodhpur. The objective of the Journal is to enhance discourse on intellectual property rights between policy makers, practitioners and scholars. To this end, the Journal publishes articles, notes and case comments that analyse significant issues in the field of IPR law. JIPS solicits contributions from academics, practitioners and experts. The Journal is published twice a year. Standing by the ideals of open access to scholarly works, JIPS is published online and made available for everyone to read and cite freely.The JIPS website and its published issues can be accessed here.
View JournalIndian Competition Law Review (ICLR) is a biannual, peer-reviewed journal published by the National Law University, Jodhpur. The Centre for Competition Law and Policy (CCLP) assists in the process of publication of the same.The Indian Competition Law Review was launched in 2014. This journal serves as a platform for understanding existing trends as well as setting out new ideas with the vision to promote interdisciplinary research in the field of competition law and policy making. Click Here for Official Website.
View JournalScholasticus (ISSN 0975-1157) is one of the earliest publications by National Law University, Jodhpur established with the objective of promoting academic research and fostering debate in the field of Banking & Finance. The Journal has been re-launched after a gap of a few years, and is now published under the aegis of the Center of Studies in Banking and Finance at National Law University, Jodhpur. It is a bi-annual, double-blind student reviewed and edited journal, with an ambit broad enough to include issues in the fields of project finance, private equity, corporate finance, debt restructuring, capital markets, etc. The Journal has had the privilege of publishing the articles from some stalwarts of the legal arena including Abir Lal Dey (Partner, L&L Partners Law Offices), Justice K.G. Balakrishnan (Former Chief Justice of India), Fali S. Nariman (Senior Advocate at Supreme Court of India), etc. Click Here for Official Web Site.
View JournalSolventia is one of the first journals on insolvency and bankruptcy laws (Journal) in India. It is a bi-annual, double-blind peer reviewed and edited Journal. The remit of the Journal is restricted to Insolvency and Bankruptcy laws and will include national as well as international legal and policy-related issues. The Journal was launched in 2024 with the aim to provide the academicians, practitioners and students of the insolvency laws, not just in India but elsewhere, an appropriate and accessible platform to discuss and critically appraise and analyse the insolvency laws and its jurisprudence. It aims to pursue and encourage innovative scholarship and research in the evolving and dynamic insolvency regime and to contribute to national and international debates through engaging in dynamic and internationally relevant research. The inaugural issue featured six articles contributed by a diverse group including practitioners, academicians, and students. Click Here for Office Website..
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