National Law University Jodhpur
Library Commiittee

Nobody graduated from a library. Nobody graduated without one.

The library committee ensures the smooth functioning of NLUJ library. The Library Committee is responsible for laying down the rules for smooth functioning of University library. The University Library has laid down the rules for the smooth functioning of University library to the issuance of bare acts and books and for the issuance of books to moot court competitions. The committee also takes care of subscription management of e resources and another information resources of University Library.

Prof. (Dr.) Harpreet Kaur, Vice Chancellor Chairperson
Dr. Archi Mathur Member
Dr. Leela V Member
Dr. Bipin Kumar Member
Dr. Kranti Kapoor Member
Mr. Vinod D Member
Student Members
Himanshu Ranjan
Parul Anand
Gargi Sirvastva