Classroom lectures by well qualified and experienced faculty with more than 80 lectures per subject each semester.
CREs or the Court Room Exercises that emphasis on research, in depth analysis of precedents and oration so as to familiarize students with the court room atmosphere. All students compulsorily participate in Court Room Exercises as it also forms a part of the evaluation scheme of law subjects. These exercises are conducted by faculty members teaching the respective subjects and the factual problem which the students argue on deals with the particular area of law of that subject.
Role play for management courses.
Discussions to prepare students for their future roles as public orators.
Case studies for analyzing past history and trends including business case studies.
Simulation techniques for encountering real life situations.
Projects in various subjects to sharpen the researching skills of students at the threshold stage.
Regular Corporate workshops by distinguished attorneys, managing partners and associates from national and international law firms on diversified legal & business issues of contemporary significance .
Regular guest speaker sessions and seminars with eminent scholars across different sectors in India and outside.
Tailored teaching methods as per the student's learning capacity, course contents and learning goals.
Continuous assessment and assignments with focus on problem based questions, application of principles, handling dynamic situations and comparative understanding of issues.
Feedback on the performance of students in multiple and varied continuous assessment to improve the learning.
Orientation program "Train the Trainers" at the end of each semester to provide exposure to new teaching concepts and techniques and to take stock of each semester's teaching, frame the curriculum for the upcoming semester and deliberates on contemporary pedagogical issues to insure effective learning in theses orientation programs.
The University firmly believes that there is a positive correlation between high quality teaching and students achieving high success rates and that results are much more positive when the learner plays an active role. The secret of NLUJ's effective pedagogy lies in encouraging group dynamics which involve bringing a heterogeneous group into a state of homogeneity and cohesiveness for accomplishing a task. The laurels and awards amassed by our students stand as proof of the resounding success University's unique pedagogy.