National Law University Jodhpur
Under Graduate

Five years integrated  B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) and B.B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)  Degree Programs

National Law University Jodhpur (NLUJ) is a premier law school of global repute imparting quality legal education in India since 2001. The Rajasthan State Legislature’s National Law University, Jodhpur, Act of 1999 is the substratum from which the citadel of the institution acquires its bailiwick. The University is located in Jodhpur, the Sun City of India- rich in cultural, historic, civic, and ethnic traditions and is dedicated towards academic excellence and value addition in all spheres of student learning and progress.

NLUJ’s mission is to create world-class legal scholarship and education which is realized by the tireless efforts of a deeply committed community of outstanding faculty, accomplished students, distinguished alumni and a proficient administration.  We offer unparalleled opportunities for experiential learning through our legal aid clinic, internships, and skills-based courses. In addition, our thriving research centers and programs enrich our students’ education through daily lectures, roundtable discussions, and conferences, and also serve as catalysts for scholarly work and student involvement on issues and activities in multifarious spheres of law. From working on editorial boards of prestigious journals to spearheading research in specialized centers to participating in pro bono projects to student-run mentorship programmes—the possibilities for learning, networking, and growing professionally at NLUJ are extraordinary.

Over its two and half decade long academic odyssey, the University’s wholehearted endeavors have been primarily focused on: consolidation of academic learning; inculcation of the highest ethical standards in our talented students; honouring the canonical legacy of legal systems while contributing pro-actively towards its timely metamorphosis; driving academic innovation and transforming the sphere of education for a prismatic future. NLUJ is proud that as an institute of excellence, it has been fostering and inculcating intellectual and ethical values in the students and thereby facilitating the evolution of law as an instrument of social change since its inception.

Over the years, the University has produced some of the finest minds across the spectrum of legal practitioners and scholarship and has laid deep roots in legal academia while its bounteous flora and fauna in the form of successful graduates thrive and enrichen the surrounding ethos.

NLUJ has a number of strategic interdisciplinary research centers working together on major problems affecting the country and the world. We actively encourage all of our researchers and students to stretch their boundaries and contribute to fields like Intellectual Property, Cross-Border Trade, Arbitration, Tax Law, Transactional Law, Capital Markets, Public & Private International Law, Gender Studies, Child Rights Advocacy, Banking and Competition Law. The Corporate Law Society and Constitutional Law Society engage in the most contemporaneous debates and brain storming sessions in the respective spheres of Corporate Governance and Constitutional mandate and invite experts to contribute through speeches and panel discussions towards the enhancement of student acumen in these specialized domains.

The University is also collaborating with various national and international institutions and professional bodies to make the academic exposure of our students variegated and exemplary. In the past academic year, Memorandum of Understandings were executed with Indian Council of World Affairs for student internships and organizing seminars on international affairs and Indian foreign policy; with Arid Forest Research Institute (AFRI) for cooperation in education, research, and capacity building in the field of environmental law, forestry, and natural resource management; with Kings College London to promote joint degree programmes, faculty and student exchange programmes; with the Attorney General’s Chambers, Zanzibar; with General Counsels Association of India (GCAI); with University of Liverpool for student and faculty exchange and with IIT Jodhpur for establishment of Joint Center on Law and Technology. All these collaborations aim to make the educational experience of all stakeholders peerless and make the institution a catalyst for heralding innovation in legal education.

The research-oriented output of the faculty and students has led to the publication of reputed journals in specialized spheres of law.  Scholasticus, NLUJ Law Review, Trade Law & Development (TL&D), Indian Journal of Arbitration Law (IJAL), Journal on Governance, Comparative Constitutional Law & Administrative Law Journal (CALJ), Journal of Intellectual Property Studies (JIPS), Indian Competition Law Review and Solventia form the corpus of our academic research output.

The institution has empanelled the finest minds of legal academia including Prof. M.P. Singh, Prof. B.B. Pande, Prof. Upendra Baxi, Prof. Umakant Varottil, Prof. Iain MacNeil, Prof. Christoph Van der Elst, Dr. Philippe Cullet, Prof. Irene-marie Esser and Prof. Chao-Xias Distinguished Professors and International Visiting Faulty to enhance the educational exposure of our talented students who have consistently gained from the rich treasure trove of knowledge and harvested the same in the form of awards and accolades.

The hard work of our students and institutional commitment has borne fruit in the form of multiple accolades and rewards which our students have won in the previous academic year. Some prominent ones include winning of the estimable 21st Willem C. Vis (East) International Arbitration Moot Court Competition, 2024; winners at the 9th NLIU-Justice R.K. Tankha Memorial International Arbitration Moot, 2024; winners of 9th Symbiosis Law School, Pune - International Criminal Trial Advocacy Competition, 2024; semi-finalists and winners of the South-Asia regional rounds at the 17th Monroe E. Price Media Moot Court Competition at the University of Oxford; runners-up at the 14th UPES Paras Diwan Memorial International Energy Law Moot Court Competition, 2024; quarter-finalists at International Rounds and runners-up in SAARC Rounds at 28th Annual Stetson International Environmental Moot Court Competition, 2023-24; winners at the 4th A.T Markose Memorial Technology Law Moot Court Competition; winners at the 3rd NALSAR CCI - Antitrust Moot Court Competition, 2024; winners at the NALSAR-CAM Mediation Tournament, 2023; winners at the Client Counselling Segment of the 6th Amity National ADR Tournament; winners of NLIU INADR International Mediation Tournament 2024 and winners at the National Rounds of the Brown Mosten International Client Consultation Competition, 2023.

The University through its rigorous academic schedule and meaningful organizational interventions, helps widen the arc of the student experience by unveiling varied facets of law and practice. In the bygone academic year, the University organized prominent academic inter linkage programmes and also hosted editions of its regular competitive events which included a memorable visit by Hon’ble Vice President of India Shri Jagdeep Dhankar ji; multiple workshops on specialized facets of Intellectual Property; the I edition of the NLUJ-NHRC Moot Court Competition; training for Law Officers of Reserve Bank of India; the I NLUJ-Khaitan & Co. Corporate Law Review Summit; Capacity Building Programme for District and State Consumer Commission Members; the II edition of the Allen & Overy-NLUJ International Deal Negotiation Competition; a Two-Week Special Training Programme on Criminal Law and Forensic Sciences for attorneys from OAG Nepal under the aegis of ITEC; the XV edition of the NLU Anti-Trust Law Moot Court Competition; the VIII edition of the CARTAL Conference; National Workshop on Emerging Challenges in Law and Technology in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur; one-day National Conference commemorating 75 years of the Supreme Court and a two-week Special Training Programme on Contract Management and Negotiation Skills for attorneys from the OAG, Tanzania in collaboration with ITEC.

Concomitant to the academic perfection is the invigorating natural environment of the University, which is a microcosm of aesthetic perfection and self-sufficiency. Spread over 55 acres are state of the art facilities for teaching, learning, mooting, administration, sports, cultural and a wide variety of curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities available amidst a panoramic environment. The Halls of Learning (I & II), Administrative Block, Library Block, Halls of Residence, Mess Block, multi facility Recreational Centre, Auditorium, Insurance Block, Amphitheatre, Video Conferencing Lecture Theatre and Convention Centre for students are all planned as epitomes of pragmatism.  Adequate attention has also been paid to the sartorial sense of students in envisioning the residential infrastructure of the University with single-seater rooms offering comfort and privacy and a wide range of cuisine options available in the Student Mess. The entire campus is extremely IT savvy with 24 x 7 connectivity to internet through LAN and Wi-Fi with due attention to providing the requisite comfort for providing a world class educational experience. The University Library facilities are top-notch with subscription to world’s leading databases just a click away and housing the largest collection of law related literature in the state.

NLUJ is the epitome of academic excellence and has all the accoutrements for a euphoric and stimulating educational journey along with the harmony and accord of being tagged as #the NLUJ family.

Five-year integrated B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) and B.B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) 

The University offers five years integrated B.B.A, LL.B. (Hons.) and B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) which are full time and residential.  In administering the courses, the University adheres to a tailor-made and comprehensive semester system with each academic year comprising of two semesters. Each semester, the students are offered a cornucopia of subjects, including Compulsory Law Papers, Compulsory Stream Papers, Clinical Papers, Elective Papers, Seminar Papers and an opportunity to earn extra credits by opting for additional electives. Specialized honors courses are offered in IV and V year in Corporate Law, Trade and Investment Law, Criminal Law, Intellectual Property Law and Constitutional Law. The short and full credit Elective Papers help attain multiple objectives including but not limited to allowing students to explore multiple specialized domains, acquire super specialization, gain an understanding of upcoming realms of law, attain an interdisciplinary understanding of law in consonance with other academic domains and gain an insight into the emergent spheres of legal practice. The course scheme also offers a window of opportunity to a wider panorama by enabling students to go for a one semester Exchange Programme with our multiple academic partner institutions.

 Course Structure

The Business Administration courses under B.B.A, LL.B. (Hons.) cover a cornucopia of topics of contemporary managerial relevance. The programme provides an integrated understanding of the interrelationship between Management Studies and Law by making both mutually conducive and beneficial leading to an enhanced understanding of Law in a corporate scenario. The well-knit and comprehensive papers provide the students with an opportunity to focus on acquiring strategies to function in a fast-evolving global environment and acquire a competitive edge over their peers in understanding the intricacies of Business Laws. In the final semesters, the Seminar Papers in Management provide a window of opportunity for super-specialization and integration.

B.A., LL.B. (Hons.), interweaves a plethora of Humanities and Social Science courses, while focusing on imparting to the students an intricate understanding of social, economic and political development of society also and simultaneously facilitating an adequate inter-linkage with historical structures and conventional knowledge systems. Contemporary public policy, economic decision making, international relations’ scenarios, macro and micro economics, contemporary governance and its historical foot prints, the changing socio-cultural fabric of society and its legal ramifications- are all pervasive components of the curriculum of the B.A. courses. In the final semesters, the Seminar Papers in Humanities and Social Science provide a window of opportunity for super-specialization and integration.


Intake and Reservation



 120 Seats

Vertical Reservation Seats

Horizontal Reservation Seats (Domicile)

Horizontal Reservation PWD




3 (2+1$)









OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)












MBC of Rajasthan State Domicile (Non-Creamy Layer)