The Center invites professionals and experts to keep others permanently abreast of trends in social entrepreneurship and innovation by offering a platform for knowledge generation and dissemination. It will offer a balance between a conceptual, academic approach and the practical perspective brought by eminent people within the enterprise by sharing their experiences. We intend to meet this challenge through research programmes, knowledge-building campaigns, awareness programmes, colloquiums, workshops and symposia.
Some of the issues that we are focusing on are- Corporate social responsibility, Education, Economic development, Cultivating Pro-social behavior, Human rights, Community development, Fair trade and Restorative Justice among others.
Prof. R.S. Srivastava, an eminent Sociologist delivered lecture on 14th March 2012 on contemporary issues of “Perspective on Youth”. The Center proposes to hold one day National Conference on issue of Child Trafficking in collaboration with ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science & Research).