Center for Studies in Taxation has been established by the University with a view to provide facilities for deep study and research in relation to the various provisions of Taxation Laws. It will also provide opportunity to the students to understand the important practical problems arising in relation to interpretation of various taxation laws (Direct Tax Laws, Indirect Tax Laws and also the International Taxation Laws). The center will provide In-depth study of the provisions of Income Tax Act and other Direct Taxes Act as well as important Indirect Taxes, such as Excise and Customs Laws and Service Tax Laws etc. The center will also provide deep research in relation to important provisions of Direct Taxes Laws & Indirect Tax Laws. Since the Taxation Laws are subject to frequent amendments, the impact of such amendments should be thoroughly understood and soon communicated to the connected outside world. The objective of the center is to impart practical training to the research scholars and other law students by the process of case studies practically faced by the corporate tax payers and other taxpayers and to organize seminars and conferences and invite leading Tax Dignitaries to deliver lectures on important topics of practical importance.