Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh is working as Associate Professor. He has a teaching experience of 17 Years at National Law University, Jodhpur, India (NLUJ) in the field of Taxation Laws. He is postgraduate in law from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. He has professional experience as lawyer of two years. He has attended/organised workshops and conferences at various levels in relation to Corporate Law and Taxation. His area of interest is Taxation and commercial Laws. He is Executive Director, Centre for Tax Laws and Chief Editor of Journal on Governance. He is Placement Director at NLUJ.He has published papers on various issues relating to Domestic and International taxation in the journals of National and International repute. Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh has done his doctorate (PhD)in the area of International Taxation from National Law University, Jodhpur in the year of 2012 on the topic “Double Taxation: Problem & Prospects (A study with special reference to Permanent Establishment)".
Email Ids: Manojnlu07@gamil.com, mksingh@nlujodhpur.ac.in