Ms. Kritika Singh (Law)
Assistant Professor
Ms. Kritika Singh joined National Law University, Jodhpur (NLUJ) on 8th July 2019 as an Assistant Professor and has completed almost five years in service towards the university. Previously she was employed with Symbiosis Law School, Pune (SLS) as an Assistant professor for two years and 6 months.
She has taught subjects like Competition Laws, Maritime laws, Trademarks and Unfair competition and Interpretation of Statutes at the university at both UG and PG levels.
She is currently a member of the Centre for Corporate Governance and a Member of External Initiatives at the NLUJ. She has held previous positions as a member of the NAAC and IQAC committees at SLS, Pune. She has organised various conferences and seminars for both universities. She has successfully guided many Postgraduate students towards their successful dissertations many of which have been published in reputed journals.
- BA. LLB Hons: National Law University, Lucknow
- LLM: National Law University, Jodhpur (Corporate Laws)
- PhD: Pursuing in the area of Competition Law and Big Data (Law and Technology)
- Net: Qualified in July 2017
- Kritika Singh and Sarthak Mishra (2022): Mapping the Interrelation of Abuse of Dominant position and Merger Control Regime vis-a Vis Big data: The Curious Case Whatsaap Privacy Policy 7(1-2) Journal of National Law University Delhi 53-75( DOI: 10.1177/22774017221098800 Scopus Indexed)
- Kritika Singh & Sarthak Mishra (2022) The Interplay of Data in Digital Economy and Merger Control Regime: A Conundrum without Solutions’ 14(2) Law, State and Telecommunications Review 17-34 [ISSN: 1984-9729] (Scopus Indexed Journal)
- Kritika Singh and Sarthak Mishra (2021) Regulation of Big Data Under Competition Law in India: A Brave New World. 16 Army Institute of Law Journal 146 (2021) [ISSN: 0975-8208] (UGC Recognized Journal)
- Kritika Singh and Priya Kumari 2021 CSR: Analysing Shifting Paradigm from Climate Change to Global Health Emergencies" World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development. (Scopus Indexed Journal)
- Kritika Singh (2020) Transatlantic view of Interface between Big Data and Competition Law International Journal of legal Science and Innovation, p.541-554, Volume 2(2) (ISSN:2581-9453)
- Kritika Singh and Sarthak Mishra (2020)Collective Abuse of Dominance and its inclusion under Section 4: The Need of the Hour KLE Law Journal, p.129-138, Volume 6(ISSN 2348-2834)
- Singh, Kritika, Explosive Remnants of War: Sheer Violation of Human Rights, 10(6), The Research Journal of Social Sciences, p. 149 (ISSN: 0025-1348 (P), 2456-1356 (O))
- Singh, Kritika, Ambiguity in Definition of Control: An analysis through Jet Etihad Case, 9(2), Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, p. 114 (ISSN 2249-9598)
- Singh, Kritika, Influence of Pop Culture in Modern Law-Making Process, 7(4), Pratidhwani The Echo, p.216 (ISSN: 2278-5264 (Online) 2321-9319 (Print)
- Singh, Kritika, CSR: An Indian Perspective to Voluntary V Mandatory debate, 22(14), Think India Journal, p.925-955 (ISSN:0971-1260)
- Singh, Kritika, Transatlantic view of Interface between Big data and Competition Law, 2(2), International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation, p.541-554 (ISSN:2581-9453)
Papers published in Conference Proceedings:
- Kritika Singh and Sarthak Mishra 2020 An Analysis of Evolution of ‘Relevant Period’ under the Indian Competition Regime Conference Proceedings Book
- Kritika Singh and Sarthak Mishra 2020 The Fourth International Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) ISBN: 978-81-906687-8-1
Books/Book chapters:
- Sarthak Mishra and Kritika Singh 2023 ‘Environment, Social and Governance Norms: assessing the need for shifting focus from Corporate Governance to sustainable Corporate Governance’ in Sustainable Boardrooms: Democratising Governance and Technology for Society and Economy (Dr. Apoorvi Shrivastava & Dr. Amlan Bhushan, (eds.)) Springer Nature
- Kritika Singh 2021 ‘Rethinking Corporate Social Responsibility in the Age of COVID-19: Impact of CSR on Pandemics and Climate Change’ in Corporate Governance – Emerging Dimensions (Dr Ashish Kumar Srivastava & Dr. Vikesh Ram Tripathi (eds.)) Thomson Reuters
- Kritika Singh and Sarthak Mishra 2021 ‘Mandatory CSR or Philanthrocapitalism: A Directionless Corporate Governance Experiment’ in Critical Essays on Corporate Laws in India CUSAT
Blogs and Column Publications:
- Kritika Singh Kluwer Competition Law (Blog) 2021 CCI’s Investigation into WhatsApp Service Policy Update: Mapping the Scope of Regulation of Privacy Policy Vis-à-vis Competition Act, 2002.
- Worked with VIDMA CONSULTING GROUP, LLP on Domain Name Monetization: An Indian Perspective to Cybersquatting VIDMA CONSULTING GROUP, LLP
- Kritika Singh (BLOG) 2020 Novartis Decision of Supreme Court of India and Its Impact on Foreign Investors and Investments LAW COLUMN
Paper Presentation and Conferences:
- Attended and paper presented at the Two-day National Conference, Converse’20, on the theme “Business and Human Rights” conducted by the Centre of Business and Human Rights of Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad held on 22-23, February 2020 at Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad Corporate Social responsibility vis-à-vis Companies Act, 2013: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing.
- Attended and participated in a paper presentation at One Day National Seminar on "Competition Law 2.0: A Way Forward conducted by the Competition Commission of India and ICFAI Hyderabad held on 29th February 2020, at Hyderabad on “An Analysis of Evolution of ‘Relevant Period’ under Indian Competition Regime”.
- Participated and presented a paper on the “International Criminal Court: A Harbinger of Hope or A Failed Promise”? at The Fourth International Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) conducted during 30 - 31, January 2020 at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. The paper is being considered for publication and is in process.
- Presented a paper on “Novartis Decision of Supreme Court of India and Its Impact on Foreign Investors and Investments” at 2nd National Law Seminar at Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior on 30th March 2019.
- Presented a paper for International Conference on Feminism and the Law on the topic of Reproductive Rights of Women: Freedom to Choose held at Indian Law Society’s Law College, Pune.
- Also written and presented a paper on Intellectual property rights which was case comment on the most talked-about case THE MEGAUPLOAD case held at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun.
- Also attended and presented a paper on Online Child Pornography at a National Seminar on Social Media, Information Technology and IPR organised at Dr Ram ManoharLohiya National Law University, Lucknow.
Certificate Courses:
- I have completed a certificate course on International and Comparative Trademark Law held at Dr Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow.
Workshops Attended:
- Workshop attended at NALSAR, Hyderabad for Animals Laws.
- Workshop Attended in GNLU, Gandhinagar for Ethical lawyering. ,
Areas of Interest:
- Competition law (Teaching for the past 5 years at UG and PG levels)
- Trademarks Law and Unfair Competition (Teaching)
- Corporate laws (Taught at SLS)
- Law and Technology (Pursuing Doctoral Degree)
- Maritime Laws (Teaching)
- Interpretation of statues (Teaching)