National Law University Jodhpur
Ms. Sayantani Bagchi
Assistant Professor

Ms. Sayantani Bagchi is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Law at National Law University Jodhpur, Rajasthan, with five years of experience at the university. Her expertise lies in Constitutional Law, and she teaches subjects like Constitutional Law (core), Comparative Constitutional Law and Judicial Process, and Constitutional Rights and Social Justice. Prior to joining NLUJ, Sayantani Bagchi held teaching and research positions at institutions like the Centre for Regulatory Studies, Governance and Public Policy (WBNUJS, Kolkata), the University of Calcutta, and CMR University (Bangalore). In 2014, was felicitated with the Mamraj Agarwal Rashtriya Purashkaras well as the University Gold Medal for securing the first position in the 5-year B.A. LL. B (Honours) program at the University of Calcutta. Currently, she is pursuing her doctoral research in the area of Unwritten Constitutional Conventions at WBNUJS (Kolkata). Sayantani Bagchi serves as the Faculty Advisor to the Centre for Comparative Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, the Centre for Research in Governance, Institutions, and Public Policy, and the Constitutional Law Society. She also serves as the Managing Editor of the Comparative Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Journal.

  1. Sayantani Bagchi, ‘Laws Governing Inter-State Labour Migration in India with Special Reference to The State of Odisha’ (2019) 1 (1) CMR University Journal for Contemporary Legal Affairs 183 (ISSN 2582 4805)
  2. Sayantani Bagchi, Book Review: The Transformative Constitution by Gautam Bhatia, (2020) 4(4) Comparative Const. L. Administrative L. Quarterly (ISSN 86 24374351)
  3. Sayantani Bagchi and Anmol Jain, Marking the Imprecise Territory of Gubernatorial Discretion to Call for a Trust Vote, Indian Law Review (2021) (
  4. Sayantani Bagchi, ‘Unwritten Constitutional Conventions and Entrenched Constitutional Text: A Study on the Interplay in a Comparative Perspective’ KSLU Law Journal 2021
  5. Sayantani Bagchi, ‘The Constitutional Text as a Means of Social Change’ in Dr. Sangeeta Roy Maitra (ed), Law and Transformation (Satyam Law International, 2022).

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Areas of Interest: Comparative Constitutional Law, Constitutional Law and Politics, Political Theory, Constitutional Interpretation, Judicial Reforms.